$11 leads for ico presale


Client: Blockchain-Tech Company
Goal: ICO presale leads
Cost per lead: $11

Tech company ICO presale campaign case study. Company ran out of leads from Facebook and Adwords, so they began looking for other channels.


  1. Push-notification advertising
  1. Targeting
  • Tier 1 countries, Worldwide
  1. Creatives
  • 15 creatives made
  1. CPC: $0.16

  2. Monitoring and additional tuning.

  3. User segments testing.


  • Clicks: 209 388
  • Spent: $34 098
  • Conversions: 3 098
  • Cost per conversion: $11

RichPush push notifications delivered decent lead generation effect and performed as good as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. Customer was satisfied with the result and continued using the platform.